Friday, July 22, 2016

Buckhorn, ON to Fenelon Falls, ON

Miles Traveled 31.7
Total Miles Traveled 5377
Day 316

We are starting to see an increase in boating activity along the waterways.  Canada, specifically Quebec, celebrates a construction holiday from July 24th to August 7th and is the most popular time for summer vacations.  Our rough plan was to be in the Georgian Bay before this holiday, so we’re not too far from our plan, but traveling on the weekends can be a little hectic.  Some of the captains of the houseboat rentals navigating through the locks have never operated a boat before.  Couple that with the 16 mph wind we had this afternoon and it gets a little scary.

We crossed two big bodies of water today, Pigeon Lake and Sturgeon Lake.  We left the dock a little after 7 a.m. to avoid the afternoon wind.

That’s not snow, this is Muskrat Island, which should be renamed Bird Crap Island.  We have seen three or four of these islands since Kingston; we have only been downwind of one of them…..thank goodness.

We only had two locks today and arrived at Fenelon Falls early this afternoon.

We celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary today and had dinner at the Dockside Grill.  We returned to the boat for a cocktail and polished off a half a bag of chocolates we bought at Campbellford. 

1 comment:

Marla said...

Happy belated Anniversary!